AI named a chronic and long-term risk in the UK

Category: AI Europe Regulatory AI named a chronic and long-term risk in the UK

The newest edition of the United Kingdom’s national risk register has classified the rising technology of artificial intelligence (AI) as a national security threat.

This decision suggests that AI is as significant an issue as threats such as flooding, pandemics, terrorism and nuclear war.

A chronic or long-term risk

The register now labels AI as a “chronic risk” meaning it poses a long-term threat and not 1 of an acute nature such as a terror attack.

However, the argument about who uses such technologies has also been raised, with Ministers expressing concern that should AI be used for a nationwide cyber attack, this could indeed pose an acute security threat.

Defining the risks

AI named a chronic and long-term risk in the UK.
Houses of Parliament and Westminster Bridge, London, UK.

The register also detailed the various possibilities AI possess to threaten the UK, which inevitably led to criticism of the inclusionary nature of the Government’s approach towards the emerging technology.

The issue of disinformation was most notable, which was suggested could go so far as to affect the economy.

More specific or immediately tangible effects were not included in the report but there have been numerous applications of AI that would suggest these could be far me imminent than many believe.

Weapon systems

A House of Lords committee has been ominous warned by an expert who chose to remain anonymous, that AI applied to weapons could pose what has been described as “an unfathomable risk” to humanity.

In lieu of such revelations, Labour MP Darren Jones member of the joint committee on the National Security Strategy had this further criticism of the UK’s government regarding its lack of oversight:

“The lack of any real assessment of the risks of artificial intelligence shows that, firstly, the Government has only recently started to think about this and, secondly, ministers don’t know how to respond.”

A global presence

This regulatory false start is not only applicable to the UK, however, as countries across the globe struggle to adequately instil protections while still successfully garnering the full potential of AI.

Challenges such as a lack of regulatory understanding and an insurmountable developmental pressure from all stakeholders in the AI industry remain issues that require solving, especially as the true threats become far more visible.

AIBC Balkans/CIS

As a globally recognised nexus for networking, AIBC sets its sights next to the Balkans?this September, when the AIBC Summit heads to Limassol Cyprus.

A host of?networking opportunities and industry-leading knowledge?will be emanating from the much-anticipated event which will pack panel discussions, keynote speeches, start-up pitches and much more into 3 days in the diverse Cypriot city.

Valletta, Malta event


Valletta, Malta

11 - 14 November 2024

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