The Guide to Metaverse Marketplaces & Worlds

Category: Blockchain Crypto NTFs The Guide to Metaverse Marketplaces & Worlds

Metaverse consists of many marketplaces where people can trade NFTs and other digital goods. Some already exist, some are in conception.

Permissionless: Blockwork, Banless & Coinbase Come Together

A three-day conference taking place May 17-19, 2022, in Palm Beach, FL, will be presented by Bankless and Blockchain. Coinbase will be the presenting sponsor of the event. Participants will gather to celebrate the incredible innovations and future of DeFi, NFTs, the metaverse, and other aspects of the crypto industry.

DeFi, NFTs, and the metaverse are the future forms of cultural expression and ownership. Blockworks, Bankless, and Coinbase believe that DeFi and NFTs are the future of finance, ownership, and communication. They all believe that communities building these industries deserve a place for gathering, celebration, and creativity.

Over 5,000 crypto investors, technologists, traders, and industry professionals will attend Permissionless, which is the culmination of an industry-wide successful year. A list of topics that attendees will hear from industry experts includes metaverse, NFTs and gaming, institutional adoption of finance, and more.

Blockworks co-founder Jason Yanowitz said, “Blockworks and Bankless are delighted Coinbase will present Permissionless.” The company has achieved milestone after milestone and is a leader within the blockchain community. Their voice is vital to the success of the industry.

About Coinbase

Coinbase is an exchange for cryptocurrency that facilitates the cryptoeconomy – a more effective, efficient, and transparent financial system powered by cryptocurrencies. In 2012, Coinbase was founded on the radical idea that anyone, everywhere, should be able to send and receive Bitcoin securely and easily. As a result, over 73 million people use Coinbase to access the cryptoeconomy today, thanks to its trusted platform.

About Bankless

In Bankless, they educate and onboard users into the world of decentralized finance using a thesis-driven media studio. Banking and Finance Podcasts are #4 in the USA, and Bankless is the #1 crypto podcast in downloads. More than 160,000 people subscribe to the Bankless newsletter, and Bankless is responsible for some of the industry’s key theories and models.

About Blockworks

Millions of investors rely on Blockworks to get the latest news and premium insights about digital assets and the Web3. Investing in DeFi markets is facilitated by Blockwork’s editorial content, newsletters, and podcasts that offer expert analysis. In addition, Blockworks creates a space for innovators to build the global economy through Web3 and DeFi events like Permissionless and the Digital Asset Summit.

Dreamverse: Alternate Realities

The metaverse is a world in which alternative realities and futures can exist. The Dreamverse NFT is part of this collection. NFTs are designed by professional artists with the assistance of their AI assistants using the golden ratio. Dreamverse will host a virtual world where these NFTs owners can explore, play games, etc.

Dreamverse is a 3D virtual world that has already begun construction. Your imagination will only limit you during this VR experience. Dreamverse will allow maximum flexibility and fun by engineering its mechanics and physics. Thanks to the AI present in Dreamverse, the experience will be unlike anything else you’ve ever experienced. All features of Dreamverse will learn from a user’s behavior, improving the experience. Sunday, December 12th, is the date of the mint on Solanaysis.

Decentraland: The Bread and Butter of Metaverse

It runs on the Ethereum blockchain and is powered by Decentraland Metaverse. Users here can exchange digital plots, build real estate, design games, and artwork, and enjoy the experience of wandering the territory. Today, the most popular MMORPG metaverse is Decentraland.

NFTs – non-fungible digital assets supported by Ethereum smart contracts – are the game’s equivalent to virtual real estate. Plots are divided into Decentraland land units and can be bought and sold using the native MANA token – an ERC-20 token.

Decentraland Metaverse Review

The project manager and technical manager of Decentraland, Ari Meilich, has been Argentine since 2015. The entrepreneurs founded a non-profit Decentraland Foundation, taking over development of the project’s software the same year. Decentraland’s user experience is heavily influenced by games like Second Life and Minecraft – the authors were inspired by their success.

In its original form, Decentraland was two-dimensional. By 2017, the platform had been upgraded twice and had become a full-scale 3D world, allowing users to buy land plots with native MANA tokens.

Additionally, they developed a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) that gave users control over most of the platform’s governance functions. Decentraland’s smart contract was controlled by a private key, which Meilich and Esteban destroyed to make it truly decentralized. According to them, that is.

During an ICO held in 2017, the Decentraland project raised over $20 million. As a result of the token sale, 40% of the Decentraland crypto tokens were sold, and 20% were distributed to the community, partners, and Decentraland Foundation.

As the team worked on the project, which existed in beta for two and a half years, it was actively developed. The project was launched for a wider audience in February 2020. Against this backdrop, the MANA rate doubled: to $0.065 by the end of February 2020 from $0.033 at the beginning of 2019. The price of Decentraland fell to $0.02 – $0.04 shortly after that.

The project did not receive much attention until January 2021, but the crypto market experienced a real NFT boom this winter, and many major industry players became interested in the platform.

Decentraland Metaverse Game

Owners of Decentraland NFT have complete control over their digital property, unlike Second Life or World of Warcraft, where game creators own all in-game items.

In Decentraland, there are 90,000 16-square-meter parcels. Each of them is available for purchase with MANA, an ERC-20 token. MANA tokens can be purchased on major exchanges like Binance or Coinbase if you are interested in Decentraland crypto.

A virtual land’s price is determined by its location: the closer it is to the popular areas, the more expensive it will be. So unlike on the outskirts of the city, land near “developed” areas with lots of entertainment like Genesis Plaza, Crypto Valley, or Dragon City is more expensive.

Initially, users could purchase virtual lots through two auctions: one held in December 2017 and one held in December 2018. Unfortunately, upon acquiring land at Decentraland, Decentraland crypto MANAtokens were subsequently burned. For now, all sites, both within and outside of the platform, have been sold on the secondary market, including on and Decentraland Marketplace.

You can buy clothing and accessories on the Decentraland Marketplace in addition to land. A 2.5% commission is charged for each purchase. By applying tokenomics to MANA, its value should grow and become a deflationary token.

No one can influence what landowners do with their land – this is their decision. An owner of land has the option of building any structure they wish: a store, casino, amusement park, advertising platform, gallery, museum, and concert hall, among others. All the income from such activities goes to the real estate owners.

The entire entertainment infrastructure of Decentraland already exists. As a result, themed areas have emerged, such as Vegas City, which has its casino, where users can gamble with MANA cryptocurrency.

Decentraland provides a special constructor that allows you to create your building. Game items can be created from ready-made blocks without knowing how to program them. Users who are more technically savvy can use popular 3D software such as Blender and SketchUp and APIs and SDKs. Likewise, large corporations use third-party studios such as Polygonal Mind to create complex objects like casinos and galleries. The virtual space of Decentraland already has a vibrant 3D artist and developer community.

DAO Decentraland controls the platform’s assets and smart contracts. As a result, platforms with autonomous organizations can handle the widest range of issues. The addition of features, distribution of sales fees, moderation of content, and running of virtual land auctions are all responsibilities of this department.

The community must, however, also vote on any proposed changes. Crypto holders can vote for any proposed changes. A vote requires the conversion of MANA tokens into wrapped MANA crypto (wMANA) – one token is equal to one vote.

How Individuals and Companies use Decentraland

Through a browser, you can access Decentraland’s virtual world. You will need an Ethereum address to get started. You can still enter as a guest if you don’t have it, but you will not be able to buy or win anything.

As soon as the user logs in to the ETH wallet, they can choose an avatar, choose a name for the avatar and customize the avatar’s appearance. Then to enjoy your trip to Decentraland, you can choose the destination.

When a user does not possess a virtual home, he can only wander around the virtual world, admire the digital architecture, and take a look at the interior of the buildings.

You can win MANA crypto by playing many games in Decentraland, like searching for caches, completing tasks, or playing in a casino. Attend a concert, a digital art gallery, or a virtual museum. By selecting the desired object on the map, you can teleport between locations. Decentraland does not boast of detailed graphics – it is similar to early 2000s games. Nevertheless, advertising can be very lucrative on Decentraland. Companies can sell their products, hold presentations, and hold events on the site.

Bloktopia: Polygon’s Metaverse

In addition to providing users with an unmatched virtual reality experience, Blaktopia’s decentralized open-source metaverse runs on the Polygon platform, allowing them to play games, own property, advertise on the Internet, build Blockchains, etc. It is possible to make money from each activity. Blocktopians inhabit the virtual world.

In Bloktopia, a visually rich environment is designed with 3D technology – Creation Engine – to design an unpredictable gaming experience. Development team members express an overly optimistic view of the project’s future, drawing participants and sponsors into the project. More importantly, it aims to be the largest Blockchain-based Metaverse where anyone can participate and interact.

The Bitcoin Skyscraper represents 21 million Bitcoins and has 21 floors (levels). BTC adoption, in particular, was achieved through its invention to improve crypto recognition in general. A virtual world based on the NFT economy exists in decaying surroundings. Access to it provides immersive virtual reality experiences. Additionally, users can earn profits from advertising, in-game property, and playing.

Thanks to its easy navigation system, everyone can easily find any data they need in the metaverse. Highlights will be given to the most important points. The team promises a well-thought-out UX design at every corner and part of the Bloktopia Metaverse.

The project focuses on 4 main possibilities:

  • Bloktopia aspires to serve as a central source of knowledge about blockchain to anyone interested in it and therefore puts more effort into promoting its platform through social media.
  • Earning – Everyone will have numerous opportunities to earn revenue, from leasing the property to staking tokens.
  • Multiple immersive games with first-person perspectives are designed to entertain while also allowing participants to communicate, thereby allowing them to meet and form relationships.
  • Create – every Metaverse member can use an easy Builder tool to create anything from digital paintings to virtual in-game challenges. Participants can compete for prizes through creator competitions; developers will access a development kit to participate in the Metaverse co-creation.

Besides providing advertising options for its sponsors, Bloktopia will charge Blok tokens once the platform launches.

You can only access Bloktopia if you open your wallet. In addition to storing digital assets, it will also be a Metaverse passport. Also, the wallet supports more than one chain and handles ERC-1155 NFTs. Most wallets do not support these features.

Paddy Carroll and Ross Tavakoli founded Bloktopia as university friends. Over the past six years, Tavakoli has been involved in the crypto community as an early adopter. He is responsible for conceiving and launching the ambitious Metaverse start-up with a gathered team.

Carroll has worked with BT Group in the United Kingdom and big brands like Sky in the UK. Aside from working on the advertisement campaign, he manages Bloktopia’s marketing company.

In addition to Rothwell, the team includes commercial director Libby Rothwell with a movie industry background. Rothwell now develops the project’s commercial partnership. Simon Benson has developed several major projects in the video gaming and 3D technologies industries over the past 25 years.

Bloktopia token and Tokenomics

The BLOK coin powers Bloktopia Metaverse. The property can be swapped on centralized and decentralized platforms since it is required for any transaction, including ReBlok (the purchase of the property in the metaverse). The first sale phase will follow the Blok coin distribution event (TGE).

It is a prized possession in Bloktopia. The owner can either speculate on its value, re-sell it when it grows in value, or lease it to earn passive income.

The assets received as payment will be burned, and the supply will decrease by 22% once Bloktopia real estate is sold out.

Aside from the features already mentioned, BLOK coin also offers the following features:

The Bloktopia NTF marketplace allows users to modify their avatars and real estate with digital collectibles; access to exclusive events in Vloktopia, including private pre-sales; and stakes within Vloktopia.

There are 200 billion BLOK coins in circulation. At launch, 2 billion coins were released. Early adopters received 3%, seed recipients received 4%, and private sale participants received 5% and 6%. The assets are being distributed gradually: 5% at the listing, then 10% each of the following four distributions, then 15% each of the sixth and seventh distributions, and finally 25% in the eighth distribution.

At launch, 25% of 21 billion coins will be used to pay staking rewards, and 33% will be set aside as a Treasury to be used as necessary by the team.

Some tokens from the total supply are meant for the project creators:

  • 15% gets development team;
  • 7% received by advisors.

The assets will be locked up for 12 months following launch and then distributed after this period.

The BLOKG token is used to govern Bloktopia. As a result, the project’s holders have a voice in decisions about its future.

Bloktopia milestones and future

To grow the metaverse’s daily users, the team will focus on increasing revenue generated by producing BigData and the impression created by advertising within the metaverse.

Therefore, developers only share the short-term roadmap, which does not extend beyond December 2021. By that time, the first and second rounds of real estate sales should be complete, and the project will be almost ready for users to join.

Zokio has audited Bloktopia, and token minting has started. A marketplace has been launched, and real estate has been minted. In addition, on Bloktopia’s official Twitter, the company announced that the Bloktopia Charity Foundation would donate to “much-needed causes.”

Bloktopia looks like it can conquer the world with its marketing and development activity.

Increasingly, big companies realize the potential of metaverse as a communication and business tool leveraging projects like Bloktopia. With the collaboration of the Blockchain firm Elrond, Bloktopia has already begun expanding its reach. The project has not yet demonstrated its ability to turn into a global crypto hub, but if it does, we are likely to see a more virtual future than we had imagined.

Meta: The Originators Get in on the NFT Game

Meta, the owner of Facebook and Instagram, is mulling over ways for its users to create and sell non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on its platforms. NFTs are currently a $40 billion market, and the market is not expected to slow down anytime soon. So meta naturally wants to leverage the momentum generated by this event.

Insiders say that Novi Wallet will power the service. According to reports, Instagram is exploring the possibility of displaying NFTs while Meta is developing a marketplace. This project is still a work in progress, says the FT article, and can still change. CEO Adam Mosseri said Instagram is pursuing alternative payment methods and ways to make them more accessible in December.

Zuckerberg said last October that ownership of digital goods or NFTs should be supported in the metaverse. However, it’s important to note that listing an NFT for sale does not connect it to the metaverse automatically. Speculators are often confused about this.

Purchasing an NFT is equivalent to digitally owning a piece of media, such as a jpeg, gif, video clip, or piece of music. NFTs have recently been criticized for being unreliable and having a fickle market., one of the largest online cryptocurrency platforms, confirmed earlier this week that it suffered a hack that resulted in the theft of over $34M worth of Ethereum from users’ accounts.

NFT support appears to be becoming increasingly widespread across the web, especially because Twitter is working on displaying items from a blockchain, and Reddit has created its own NFT platform.

Polygon: Teaming Up With Liberty

GameFi and the NFT-focused Metaverse have seen tremendous growth during the past year. In addition, the Metaverse initiative is active in almost every blockchain or distributed ledger technology project.

GameFi and NFT are also being developed by Polygon, an Ethereum scaling solution provider. As a result, blockchains and decentralized applications (dApps) can be built and connected with a wide range of developed capabilities. Polygon Studios, the team’s blockchain gaming, and the NFT branch is dedicated to blockchain gaming.

A Synergia Capital investment assisted Polygon in establishing Liberty Gaming Guild to assist them as they move into the metaverse.

The Liberty Group explained that they seek to become a gateway to NFTs that are normally difficult or even impossible to access for avid gamers. Through the project, gamers are mentored and provided with a way to make money playing games. In addition, investors interested in investing in blockchain gaming will find Liberty a convenient way to do so. Currently, Axie Infinity is collaborating with the team, which has the infrastructure to support NFT gaming. The team also confirmed that the initiative would grow to include other titles in the future.

Liberty Gaming Guild explained that they aren’t just here to help people make money while playing engaging games, but they are also here to improve the lives of consumers. The team will provide users with the necessary education, training, and support to focus on their daily lives and play-to-earn careers while gaining stability in addition to Axie Infinity, The Sandbox, League of Kingdoms, Star Atlas, Guild of Guardians, and Illuvium.

Polygon was one of the main protocols used to scale Ethereum and develop its infrastructure. Using the Polygon SDK, you can create seamless dApps and use the well-structured platform and ecosystem.

According to Polygon’s developers, Ethereum is transformed into a fully-featured multichain system, comparable to Polkadot, Cosmos, and Avalanche. In addition, Polygon offers enterprise-grade security, a diverse ecosystem, and the openness of Ethereum.

New division Polygon Studios specializes in blockchain-powered gaming and NFTs. With over 100,000 native blockchain gamers, Polygon holds a strong position in the gaming and NFT space. Polygon Studios should strengthen the project’s emerging role in the gaming space.

“Play to Earn” gaming is a key component of Liberty Gaming Guild’s ‘barrier-breaking’ community and project. As a ‘gateway’ into the blockchain gaming space, the guild offers gamers an ecosystem to thrive within the new gaming era. This partnership is extremely exciting due to the possibility of speeding up GameFi development, as you can imagine.

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