SouthEU members to reach “historic” agreement

Category: Blockchain Europe Fintech SouthEU members to reach “historic” agreement

Malta, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, Portugal and Cyprus to mutually share their practices on DLT

The Southern European Telecommunications Ministers Summit, hosted in Malta, saw how the seven countries belonging to SouthEU came to a very promising deal. Thanks to the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding, they will cooperate and share their practices and advancements in the
DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) field with each other for the common good. A group of experts formed by one representative from each of the countries will be set up with a clear objective: discussing the initiatives that will come from this agreement.

Silvio Schembri

Silvio Schembri, Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation was very positive about these countries reaching an understanding, and claims that it has been the consolidation of the cooperation in the digital sector between them. “Back in December of last year, Malta spearheaded an initiative that brought on board Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, where together we agreed to promote and work further in the Blockchain and DLT sphere, share our expertise and knowledge and most importantly enhance further our cooperation in this new emergent industry. The signing of that declaration was clear evidence of a sense of acknowledgment of this emergent industry.” “We can proudly claim that today’s event is a historic milestone. It is the first ever commitment, black on white, between Southern European Member states to cooperate in a tangible and deliverable manner with each other on any area.” he said. Mirella Liuzzi, Italy’s Undersecretary of State to Economic Development, added: “Southern Europe has enormous growth potentials in the digital domain. Emerging technologies, such as Blockchain and, more generally, distributed ledger technologies, can be catalysts to promote the specificnesses of Southern Europe and protect our agricultural, commercial and industrial products from frauds and counterfeiting.”
About AIBC: Malta AI & Blockchain Summit is a bi-annual expo covering topics relating to the global sectors for blockchain, AI, Big Data, IoT, and Quantum technologies. The event includes conferences hosted by globally renowned speakers, workshops for industry learning and discussion, an exhibition space accommodating more than 400 brands and a number of networking events.

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